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  • Writer's pictureArden Nolan-Meharg

A rainy day of fun

We started the day off getting some yummy ice cream before it started raining, everyone gave this a thumbs up and said it was very good. We headed to Shelley Park for the 'Boogie in the Park' Event, however we were early so went into the park playing on the swings while we waited for it to start. Once the event was open we headed inside and had a look around; they had a super fun bubble machine which A and O loved, popping the bubbles and chasing them. Unfortunately, the rain started just after we had lunch, and we sheltered under the trees and played on the broken logs. There was some fun circus equipment which they had a go at, we even got the spinning plates to work. The rain got heavier, though, so we headed inside to the library where we played with the puzzles and games that were out. They really enjoyed playing 'Fishing Frenzy'. Later on we headed to an 'In the Rain BBQ' and had some fun in the garden and yummy food before heading home for the day.

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